Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Stars, Satellites, Meteors...and Mom

That's what I saw when I took Rusty out early this morning. I couldn't have timed it better. I usually need Mark to point out the Satellites but there it was heading south. The stars were amazing. The brightest ones are plants I think. Jacob will have to get his telescope out when finals are over and check them out. I love looking at stars, almost as much as I loved clouds growing up. When I look at stars I feel closer to my mom. I spent hours outside, in the darkness, looking up to the heavens wondering where she was and what she was doing after she died. I imagined that she was visiting Italy, or England, maybe Egypt. I also felt like she was teaching, ever teaching! This time of year when I think about my mom I also think about my Savior. The stars remind me of him too. I hope that I'm a follower like the Shepards and the Wise Men. I want to be watching and ready when he comes again.

1 comment:

Laura said...

Sweet, Sherry. Nice thoughts about Mom. Travel and teaching. :-)