Friday, August 14, 2009

Where, oh where did the Chadwicks go?

I'm not lost or lazy just preoccupied. My first excuse was YW Camp on the Horizon and then the Jonesies moved in. Who wouldn't want to play with Emerson 24-7? We tried, yes I said tried, to have a family vacation at Lake Powell but some how the boat found a submerged object that ended the trip less than 24 hours before it started. Got a cool picture of Mark though huh? Next came the overwhelming obligation to figure out how to be a high school band treasurer. Who voted me in??? Before you realize it school has started and, Wow, where did the summer go? I'm here, mostly. You'll probably find me stuck at the computer crunching numbers, playing with Emerson, or sleeping. That happens at the oddest times these days. How come I can't sleep at 1:30am???


Team Dana said...

Too many numbers, Sherry! Way too much math! Aren't you glad you just took that math class, now?

Laura said...

What?!? How did I miss that you udpated your blog? You know how I like to be the first to comment, and Nimmie beat me to it. Never again! :-)

That is an awesome picture of Mark. Hope the band treasurer thing doesn't drive you into the ground. You've got that new grandbaby coming to play with.